Saturday, 25 February 2012


So I know that I am a few days off with this post - but I figure, better late than never. Many people celebrated Shrove Tuesday on the 22nd February 2012. Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) is known by most as pancake day. It is the day before Ash Wednesday and the day before Lent begins.

So while I thought we'd have an ENTIRE day of pancake eating, we only made them mid-day (we were out in the morning). After three pancakes I felt so ill from the sugar overdrive, we didn't make any more! :) Here's the recipe we used.

about half a cup of plain flour
pinch of salt
2 eggs
about 3/4 cup of milk
1/3 cup of water
50 g butter

Mix all together, until smooth. Add more liquid or flour, to adjust the consistency to suit your preferences. Pour some oil onto kitchen paper and lightly grease the pan. Flip away... :)

Use sugar and cinnamon, castor sugar and lemon, nutella, ham and cheese, savoury mince or any other topping you like. Roll or fold, and serve!

Buon appetito,

Monday, 20 February 2012

Rennie Maritz

I am blogging about this story; because I am devastated by it, and I am hoping that a lot of people will see it and will be able to assist this wonderful family and this special little boy.

We have dear friends; who were blessed with a little boy, Rennie, a year ago. Immediately, like most parents, they developed a strong and beautiful bond with their new son. He became their life and their everything. 

On the 23rd of August 2011, their lives came to a shattering halt. Rennie was rushed to the emergency ward with sudden and acute meningitis symptoms. On viewing a CAT scan, the doctors discovered a large amount of excess brain fluid caused by a blockage at the brain stem. He was rushed to the Neurosurgical ward at Glasgow's South General Hospital for immediate and life-saving brain surgery. The surgery was successful and a Ventriculoperitoneal shunt was inserted into his head. This permanent shunt assists in draining excess brain fluid (bypassing the blockage) into the abdomen, where it is absorbed normally into his body. Whilst under anaeshetic, an MRI scan was performed to diagnose the cause of the blockage.

The blockage was caused by Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Giloma (DIPG), a very rare brain tumour. This tumour can not be operated on, and because of his age Rennie could not receive the normal treatment of radiotherapy. The prognosis for the brain tumour is not very good - even for older children - and with standard treatment, the average survival rate is only 9 months!

As he was so young, the specialists had to come up with a personalised treatment regime. On the 14th October 2011, Rennie started chemotherapy. Doctors were not sure how he would react to the treatment, as it is incredibly harsh on such a small little person's system. He managed his chemotherapy treatments, even though he lost his appetite and was incredibly lethargic throughout. 

After many trips to the hospital and after receiving many treatments, the tumour on his brain is still growing bigger and bigger. He is battling to perform basic functions, such as swallowing and breathing. The hospital has helped to settle him at home now, with everything he needs to make his symptoms easier and making him more comfortable.

I cannot even begin to imagine this happening to my child. I don't think I would have the courage and incredible strength that John and Gillian have. It breaks my heart every time we are updated about the story and I cry for hours, for them and for their little boy.

If anyone can assist him in any way - please follow this link - or contact me and I will pass on your details.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Chicken, Lentil and Vegetable Curry

One of my talents, if I do say myself, is making a REALLY good curry. I make it mild so that my son can also eat it - and then spice it up for my husband and I.

olive oil
1 onion, diced
about Tbsp mild - strong curry powder
chicken breast fillets
about 2Tbsp lentils
cup of chicken stock
cup of chopped vegetables
3 chopped potatoes
tin of coconut milk

Fry the garlic and onions, add the chicken and potatoes. Put curry powder in the pan, and stir until everything is well coated. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add lentils and vegetables. Pour in the chicken stock and coconut milk. Cook to your satisfaction. Serve with rice/ salad.

Buon appetito!

Monday, 13 February 2012

Potty Training...

We have been potty training for about three weeks, and while I think we have mastered it now - he goes to the potty without being asked, and has very few accidents; it was not as easy as I initially thought. There were stages that I was tempted to go back to nappies, they was a stage I was tempted to see if I could find a potty training boot camp and there were days that I just wanted to leave home.

But perseverance paid off; and after many hours of sitting in the bathroom with him, after many hours of nagging, he seems to have the hang of it. I definitely do not think that potty training is for sissies. 

What worked for us, was that we tried a variety of techniques. We went cold turkey from the beginning - removing nappies and only using them for sleep time. He was in underpants for the rest of the time. I put the potty in the lounge for the first week, and asked him every five minutes if he needed to go. About every 30 minutes, I would put him on the potty and get him to sit there to see if he needed it. We did this until he could tell when he needed to go. We sometimes used pull ups for trips to the shops etc (we made it clear that his pull ups were not nappies, but another type of underpants) - I think it is terrible for a potty training child to be embarrassed by an accident in public; and we would ask every once in a while if he needed to go. He would always come home dry, and in his own time he asked to go out in underpants. The potty was slowly moved into the bathroom, and it became 'exciting' for him to go to the bathroom together. We still have to ask or remind him sometimes, if we know it has been a while since his last trip to the loo, but he is also aware now of when he needs to go.

We spent a lot of money on all sorts of toilet training accessories, we have two toilet seats, a potty and a portable potty (with disposable bags) but it was worth it. If you are only able to afford one product, I would HIGHLY recommend a portable potty, as you can use it as a toilet seat, a potty and it folds down to go everywhere with you!

Hope this helps! :)

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Simple, delicious pasta!

My absolute favourite pasta in the world; is this simple cheese and avo pasta recipe, that most people love and there are also many variations.

pasta - I love linguine, but whatever you like

can add: ham, tomatoes, sliced chicken, bacon and the list goes on...

Dice the avo, and grate the cheese. Boil the pasta. And voilà...

It's easy, tastes great, and is perfect for end of the month dinners!

Buon appetito!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Salmon and Vegetable Couscous

This is a rather simple, and delicious dinner. And super healthy too...

wholewheat couscous
chopped cherry tomatoes
vegetable stock
a large marrow

herbs and seasoning
olive oil

Chop the marrow, and boil. Once boiled, purée to the desired consistency. Place couscous in a bowl; add vegetable stock to boiled water and put an equal amount of liquid in the bowl. Mix. Cover for about 5 minutes. Fluff the couscous and add the puréed marrow and fresh tomatoes.

For the salmon: line a tray with tinfoil, place salmon fillets into tray, herb and season, sprinkle with olive oil; and bake for about 30 minutes, or until fully cooked.

Buon appetito!