Thursday 10 May 2012

Rain, rain go away...

With miserable weather being a relative constant in London, it is always a good idea to have tons of back up plans. We seem to actually really enjoy our rainy days in, but they can get a little monotonous after a few days... Here are 10 great indoor toddler activities, to tyre your little one out. Remember, you can have fun in even the smallest house.

10 - Put a large piece of fabric or a plastic rubbish bag (cut open) on the floor - set up paint, brushes, sponges and different papers. Let your child really get into the painting - using their hands and feet. Make sure they are dressed for mess - a bath is easy enough to remedy any excess dirt!

9 - Get some cool colouring in books, and sit and colour together. Pointing out the colours of the crayons and pictures, shapes and numbers. Teach your child to write their own name too.

8 - Get coloured paper, stickers, crayons, glitter and pictures. Make cards for granny and grampa, Father's Day, birthdays, etc.

7 - Make some playdough. 

1/2 cup salt
1 cup water
1 Tbsp oil
2 tsp cream of tartar
Food colouring (drops)

1 cup flour
Combine all ingredients in a pan and stir.  Cook over low heat, stirring until a ball forms. Add food colouring and mix thoroughly until desired colour. Cool and store in covered container. Hours of fun!
6 - Make some popcorn, and some hot chocolate. Get a cuddly blanket and let you little one chose their favourite movie. Have a cinema day!

5 - Play a fun session of hide and seek.

4 - Have a treasure hunt. Hide a sweet or a favourite toy. Draw up a map or clues, and spend hours 'searching' for the treasure.

3 - Bake! Get the kids involved. Kids love helping, and getting messy - so put on an apron, and get messy in the kitchen. Make simple cookies or cupcakes, get them to help you with mixing, or rolling or anything that requires them to get their hands dirty. Or you could make lunch together - mini pizza's are amazing!

2 - Build a fort (using chairs, sofa's, duvets or sheets, and pillows) or pitch a tent in your living room. Make a picnic, and grab some books and toys. Spend the day 'living outdoors'.

1 - Dress warmly, grab your umbrella and wellies, and go splashing in the puddles.
Rainy days can be super fun... But sometimes it's nice when the rain just comes 'back another day' rather!

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