Thursday 19 January 2012


Modern day parenting has changed many 'olden-day' perceptions. These days, parents don't agree with corporal punishment, hidings and harsher treatment of children. And fair enough, you don't want your child to believe that being violent solves problems.

Here are some techniques that I have found really help, in discipling my child, without using hidings or any violent behaviour.

Naughty Corner: Find one part of the house that you use as the naughty corner/ step/ chair. This area needs to be away from TV, toys and anything that would entertain/ stimulate them. Whenever your child is naughty, you warn them that they will be placed in the naughty area. If they continue to disobey you, you place them there until they apologise, and hopefully give you cuddles.

Counting: This one is all down to the tone in which you count. You need to be stern and you definitely cannot laugh. They need to believe that once you get to three it will be the END OF THE WORLD! You count slowly to three, and hopefully be that time they will have listened. Otherwise there will have to be a repercussion, no hidings!!!!

Bribing: As horrible as this one is, you can use it OCCASIONALLY! For example, if you have to leave the park - and you do not want to deal with a tantrum. You can say 'we need to go to the shop, and we can get a little treat' or 'we need to go home, and you can have some time playing with bubbles before your nap' etc..

Star/Behaviour chart: Draw up a chart, with blocks for days of the week and a total block. Buy some awesome stickers and some little treats. Every time your child goes to bed without fighting, every time they eat all their veggies, every night they sleep in their own bed, etc. they get a sticker. By the end of the week, if they have 7 stickers they get a little treat.

Walking away: I found this one particularly helpful, as my little one is quite a mommy's boy. Whenever we are out in public, and he throws a tantrum - I just tell him 'Do you want to stay here by yourself. Okay, I am going now. Goodbye.' And then I start walking off. He always follows.

Remember - parents need to support each other in all disciplinary choices, and need to be a team.

Hope this helps!

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