My eldest son is quiet (mostly), gentle, sensitive and aware of people's emotions, kind and has always been relatively easy to discipline.
My youngest son is the exact opposite. He is loud and rough, and mischievous. Don't get me wrong - he loves a cuddle and is very much a mommy's boy, but he is much more rough and tumble.
Today, we went to do shopping - as unfortunately, everyone has to do. I know, I know, shop online... That would be fine; except I like choosing my own fruit, vegetables and meat. And also like to find the odd bargain! And, for some reason, we always tend to get very odd substitutions - baked beans instead of apples. Totally makes sense...
Anyway... so Big P calmly sits in the trolley and then decides that he would rather stroll along besides the trolley, helping me. Fabulous!
Little P on the other hand, as he is only a little toddler and cannot be trusted to walk sensibly around a shop; alternates between being held and sat in the trolley, while I find food to placate him with. (Yes, I am one of 'those' mothers - oops!).
When Little P is not being placated with food, he is screeching like (as my friend so aptly put it) an Orc from Lord of the Rings. It is the most ear shattering, soul destroying and brain numbing thing you have ever heard. Just the type of thing you want to constantly hear when you are trying to quickly do some grocery shopping...
And believe it or not - something I have no control over. No amount of asking nicely, offering of rewards, ignoring, talking sternly, or shouting back works... We have just about tried everything. I hear it might be related to his desire to learn to talk, but who knows...
What I always find shocking though, is other people (a lot of whom have/ have had children - they were obviously those angelic types) and their reactions to a parent trying their hardest to control their unruly, mischievous or just curious child.
From people's looks and comments today, and while dealing with a child who didn't want to co-operate (imagine that!); I very nearly had my own child-like melt-down of bursting into tears, leaving my fully laden trolley and running out of the shop to hide in my car. Oh, to be a child...
Parenting is hard enough as it is, and everyone needs some support and kindness from time to time.
Kalli x
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