Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Q&A with Move Guides

I thought I would just share the link to my @Move Guides blog Q&A. How exciting, seeing your interview on someone else's blog! :) My next post for them is in January, make sure to follow them on Twitter and Facebook, to keep up to date.


And today, we got the final documents that we need to apply for our residence cards, so I am a happy little chappy today!

Hope everyone has a lovely day!

Kalli x

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Sock Snowman

My friend, Hannah, posted her cute little sock snowmen on Facebook recently. I just loved them, and thought it would be a fantastic Christmas activity; especially after we had snow yesterday - not enough to make a real snowman, mind you.

She sent me a link to Then she made... and I eagerly found all the bits, in our house, to put the little snowman together. He didn't quite end up like I wanted him to (I was going for a jazzy sequinned snowman), but this is what happens when you let a toddler chose what you are going to do. 

 I still think he is very cute - and think we'll have to get some more socks, so we can make more... Maybe I will get a jazzy snowman too! :)

You need a long white sports sock, an elastic band (I used a hair band), material for scarf and/or shirt, rice or beans, string, a tooth pick or BBQ stick painted orange, a black marker and some pins. You can also use beads, sequins and buttons.

  • Cut the toe off the sock and tie with an elastic or hair band
  • Turn inside out and fill with rice or beans

  • Tie the top closed and cut off the top rim of the sock
  • Tie two pieces of string on the body, to make three body parts
  • Dress your snowman

  • For the eyes, I coloured pins with a black marker - thought that would look the most like a traditional snowman 

  • Glue the nose on
And voilĂ ! Your little snowman is complete. 


Kalli x

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Santa Claus is Coming to Town...

I have been really bad with blogging recently, keep thinking about blog posts that I would like to write - and then get so distracted by life, that I don't ever get to it.

A little catch up: I have started blogging for Move Guides as a guest blogger, which is quite exciting. My Q&A blog will be posted this month, followed by my own post about life in London, as an expat mummy, next month. We have also just moved house - CRAZY and BUSY times. However, the most exciting thing I have been doing, is getting ready for CHRISTMAS!

I love love love love love Christmas. I expected to be a lot more organised - but this year seemed to just flown by!

We went shopping last weekend, for things to add to our tree, that was up in the last week of November. And I had a list, as long as my arm of other things I NEEDED to make my house Christmas ready. Thought I would share some of the cute things I have added to my house this year...

1. Reindeer Food: Mix Oats and Glitter in a little bag. On Christmas Eve, you sprinkle the mixture on your lawn, balcony or on your roof (if you have direct access to it). The reindeer will have something to 'snack on' while they wait for Santa to deliver the presents.

2. Santa Key: If you do not have a chimney, you can either buy a Santa Key, or use an old key and attach it to a red ribbon. Leave the Santa Key outside your front/back door, so that Santa can 'get into the house' to deliver the presents.

3. A rewards chart. I wanted to do Elf on a Shelf, but only heard about it on the 1st December, and figured I wouldn't get the elf on time. So, while we were at M&S, I saw this lovely reward chart. Every night, our son either gets a green elf (if he has been well-behaved during the day), or a red elf (if he has been naughty). On the 24th, we put the chart into an envelope addressed to Santa, and if he has been good Santa will leave his presents.

I intended on doing a sock advent calendar, that I found on Design Dazzle. But for some odd reason, I could not find ANY Christmas socks - I looked in over 10 shops! I was going to do 24 socks, with small gifts, Christmas cookie cutters, and sweeties and then have his empty Christmas stocking hanging at the end. Alas, maybe I will do it next year.

One thing that I have made myself busy with today was my wreath. I wanted to buy an empty wreath and make it from scratch, however I couldn't find everything I was looking for. I bought this wire heart for £3, but didn't feel that it was Christmas-y enough.

I had decided that I would make a fresh wreath, as we have a beautiful big Christmas tree outside our front door, that is a little overgrown, and needed some trimming.

I started threading the fresh leaves into the heart, and am very pleased with the outcome. I do however think that I need to add some baubles or ribbons, or something. I had so much left over, that I decorated our staircase too. Think I will have to add some baubles and ribbon to it too.

Tomorrow I am hoping to make Sock Snowmen. 

Ciao, Kalli x